While I’m sitting at the Open Studios over the next two weekends (see Warp 41 entry), I thought that I could weave something simple that required no tracking of pattern; simply up and down with the heddles and back and forth with the weft. So, I decided to make bands to use as straps and bookmarks on my rigid heddle loom.
(Added after the event – This turned out to be a perfect project for an event like this – people were interested in what I was doing and asked questions, it gave me something to do while there were no visitors and I didn’t have to think too much about it.)
I looked back at the previous bands I’ve woven (Warps 21-24) and decided to weave a no-repeat version of the adjacent flowers pattern on p22 of Anne Dixon’s book “The weaver’s inkle pattern directory”, using 8/4 cotton for warp and weft. The colours were pale green = blue yarn, dark green = purple & pink = orange yarn; but where there is pale green in the centre of the flowers, I will use the other flower colour instead of blue. The weft is to be black 8/4 cotton. The band will be a warp-faced weave.

I began by threading the loom as described in the “Learn to weave on the SampleIT Loom” booklet that came with the loom.
The warp length was determined by the kitchen table, ~195cm
The warp thread sequence is shown in the pattern draft.
The sequence involved in the weaving of an inkle band is
Change shed
Beat (more of a firm push)
Tug the weft to straighten it out
Weave and continue to the end of the warp
I will weave these using a small stick shuttle with a bevelled edge that I will use to press the weft into place.