I wove this piece TAW with a colour change – the colours in a single pattern block of the warp are dark blue, light blue, green, light blue, dark blue. In the weft they are light blue, dark blue, pink, dark blue, light blue.
The pattern was woven to square the colour blocks ie 7 x 4 picks of light blue, 3 x 4 picks of dark blue and 3 x 4 picks of pink.
The ppi is about 16.
After weaving the first complete set of pattern, I noticed an error in the threading of the heddles over at the left hand-side – 6 ends on shaft 4 were meant to be on shaft 5 and 6 ends on shaft 5 were meant to be on shaft 6. I was able to correct this by physically shifting the heddles (with their yarn still threaded) from one to another – it’s lucky that they were over at one end!
I decided to make the piece rectangular, and so wove 8 pattern blocks. I then removed the piece form the loom and finished it in the washing machine etc. The dimensions of the finished piece are 126x97cm.
I am extremely pleased with this piece – the fabric is lovely and soft and the colours and pattern are gorgeous. I think it’s the most beautiful thing that I’ve woven so far! There are several small skips in the weft, but nothing major enough to require repair.