Warp 38 – 24 face cloths woven and finished

I sewed the warp onto the apron rod and began to weave the face cloths.
I decided to hemstitch the ends of each piece and to leave about 2cm between the pieces as a short fringe.

The face cloths were woven in either the “Earthquake” or TAW pattern. The weft was a variety of colours of either 10/2 mercerised cotton or No8 perle cotton embroidery thread.

While weaving face cloth #6, I thought that treadle 3 was harder to push than the other treadles. I checked the tie-up and found that the texsolv cord for shaft 8 had become attached to it, so treadle 3 was pulling down 5 shafts instead of 4. I corrected this after finishing face cloth #6.

After weaving the 24 cloths, I measured the completed fabric – it was about 6m, which is what I had allowed. I cut the fabric from the loom (it measured 6.02m), cut the pieces apart, washed them in warm water on a normal machine wash cycle, trimmed the loose ends and fringes, pressed them with a hot iron and hung them to dry.

The cloths are wonderful! There is a mixture of solid colours, stripes, vibrant colours and more subdued colours. The texture and softness is perfect. Each cloth measures approximately 22cm long (between fringes) and 27.5cm wide (selvedge to selvedge).

The following table shows the colours used for each cloth – each colour is a single repetition of the pattern. The “Earthquake” pattern (EQ) cloths have 4 pattern repetitions (each measures about 6cm), the TAW pattern cloths have 3 pattern repetitions (each measures about 8cm). “10/2” is 10/2 mercerised cotton, numbers in brackets refer to the colour shade of No8 perle cotton embroidery thread.

Cloth no.PatternColours
1EQ10/2 red, orange, yellow & dark green
2EQ10/2 light green, light blue, dark blue & dark green
3EQlight purple (208), 10/2 purple, pink & red
4EQ10/2 yellow, red (666), dark blue (995) & purple (550)
5EQlight blue (996), dark blue (995), 10/2 dark green & light green
6EQgreen (701) & teal (EZ09) (2 pattern repetitions of each)
7EQlight blue (EZ10), variegated blue (EZM20) (2 pattern repetitions) & EZ10
8EQdark blue (EZ13), variegated blue (EZM98) (2 pattern repetitions) & EZ13
9EQ10/2 yellow, dark green (2 pattern repetitions) & yellow
10EQ10/2 dark blue, light blue (2 pattern repetitions) & dark blue
11TAW10/2 pink, red & pink
12TAWdark blue (995), light blue (996) & 995
13TAWpink (602), 10/2 pink & 602
14TAW10/2 dark blue, light blue & dark blue
15TAWlight purple (208), dark purple (550) & 208
16TAWlight green (907), mid green (906) & dark green (699)
17TAWyellow/orange (972), orange (947) & red/orange (606)
18TAW10/2 light blue
19TAW10/2 dark green
20TAW10/2 dark blue
21TAW10/2 red, pink & purple
22EQ10/2 dark blue
23EQ10/2 dark green
24TAW10/2 yellow