I began this piece by hemstitching in yellow. The weaving then proceeded as follows:
Colour 1 – point (treadling 123456787654321)
Colour 2 – extended point (treadling 1234567812345678765432187654321)
Colour 1 – point (treadling 123456787654321)
Natural – 2 repeats of TAW (starting at 5678… & ending …8765; better pattern transition between colours)
Colours 1 & 2 formed the border. These were yellow, orange or green eri silk with a single border section being gold and copper hand reeled, naturally dyed mulberry silk (pictured below)
Natural was always the natural silk colour – mainly 60/2 eri silk, with a single TAW section of each of 60/2 muga silk, hand reeled mulberry silk & hand spun tussah silk.
I wanted to see how the various types of silk would weave up on the warp of 60/2 indigo dyed eri silk.