A friend has asked me to weave her a scarf; she would like the same as one from Warp 33 – mainly white with orange and yellow bands.
Accordingly, I went back to the notes for Warp 33 and prepared a warp for 2 scarves woven from 60/2 Eri silk in a star pattern.

The warp will be 60/2 eri silk (indigo) and the weft 60/2 eri silk (natural, monarch orange and sunflower yellow).
4m warp – 2 scarves of ~1.8m length on loom
468 ends + floating selvedges – three repeats of the pattern threading
Winding with 4 ends in my hand so 117 wraps of the mill
43epi, ~43ppi
Width on loom 27.5cm
Spread 8/slot in the raddle
10dpi reed
Reed sleying 4,4,5/dent.
I began by winding a skein of indigo yarn into balls (I already sufficient of the weft colours from Warp 33). The indigo was wound into four balls for warp winding and the warp wound onto the warping mill.

The warp was then wound onto the loom and threaded through the heddles. As I was checking the threading, I found that I was two ends short!! I cut another 2 pieces of yarn 4m in length and threaded them also. They are weighted off the back of the loom so that they are under sufficient tension for weaving. The reed was sleyed and the warp tied onto the apron rod. The shafts were tied-up to the treadles as required by the pattern.