I wanted to weave a final warp for the exhibition at the Eastside Gallery in November. I looked on handweaving.net and decided to weave draft #70110 (8 shaft star).

The warp will be 60/2 eri silk (indigo) and the weft 60/2 eri silk (natural, monarch orange, sunflower yellow and fern green).
6m warp – 2 scarves of ~2m length on loom + samples
468 ends + floating selvedges – three repeats of the pattern threading (handweaving.net pattern has 2
repeats of the pattern).
Winding with 4 ends in my hand so 117 wraps of the mill
43epi, ~43ppi
Width on loom 27.5cm
Spread 8/slot in the raddle
10dpi reed
Reed sleying 4,4,5/dent.
I began by winding the skeins of yarn into balls. This took quite a while as there was ~2,600 yards in each skein and I needed two skeins of indigo! The indigo was wound into four balls for warp winding.