I have been wanting to try weaving in Echo weave – I have the book “Weaving with Echo & Iris” by Marian Stubenitsky coming in the mail, but I wanted to weave something now in order to exhibit it at the Eastside Gallery in November. I looked on handwaving.net and decided to weave draft #74140 (8 shaft pattern with 4 colours in the warp and 1 in the weft).
The warp will be 20/2 silk (blue, green, orange & purple) and the weft one of 16/2 mercerised cotton (black), 10/2 mercerised cotton (grey or white) or handspun tussah silk single (natural).

6m warp – 2 scarves of ~2m length on loom + samples
276 ends + floating selvedges – A single repeat of the pattern threading, alternating single ends of blue, green, orange & purple. Winding with 4 ends in my hand – 1 of each colour, so 69 wraps of the mill
25epi, ~25ppi
Width on loom 28cm
Spread 4,4,4,8 in the raddle
10dpi reed
Reed sleying 2,3/dent.
A single treadling pattern repetition has 384 picks. I will do approx. 5 repetitions at ~24ppi – this should give me about 2m of on loom length.
The loom was dressed (because the threading is only a single repeat of 276 ends, I imported the pattern to iWeaveit on my phone and used the “Track Threading” feature when threading the heddles), header rows woven to spread the warp evenly and 2 picks of black woven and hemstitched.