I’m waiting for some yarn to arrive – I need it for a shawl that a friend has requested. While I wait, I decided to weave some more cushion covers in 8/4 cotton. I decided to use Laura Fry’s 4-shaft Canadian snowflake pattern, so generously provided as part of Season 4 of Jane Stafford’s online guild.
Size – ~50cm square when finished
Warp – 8/4 cotton, Black
Weft – 8/4 cotton in various colours
Warp length – 2.5m (2 cushions)
No of ends – 359 (357 + floating selvedges)
Epi & ppi – 16
On loom width – 57cm
Reed – 8dpi, sleyed 2 ends per dent
Structure – 2/2 twill
Warp threading:
Laura Fry’s 43-shaft Canadian snowflake – 86 ends for three repeats of the pattern, 99 in the final repeat; with floating selvedges.
12, 23, 34, 14
Weft treadling:
TAW Laura Fry’s 43-shaft Canadian snowflake
Warp winding sequence:
359 black
When beginning and ending each cover, I will weave approx. 2cm with 16/2 creme so that this can be folded under as a hem.
I entered the pattern into WeaveIT, exported the .wif file, uploaded it to the colour editor at handweaving.net and played with the colours and striping possibilities.