Warp 21 – Inkle band completed

I finished weaving the inkle band and cut the warps to remove it from the loom. Then I realised that I hadn’t finished the ends in anyway to prevent it from unravelling. I looked in Anne Dixon’s excellent Inkle book (“The weaver’s inkle pattern directory”) and found that it is best to weave the weft end into the weaving about 23 picks from each end. This is normally done while the band is under tension, but as I had already cut it from the loom, I darned the weft end into position and trimmed it to the width of the band. Then I trimmed the warp ends to leave a fringe of about 2cm at each end.

The warp measured ~195cm when it was put onto the loom and the finished band measures 146cm because of the warp take-up.

I’m really pleased with this band – the width is very even over the entire length, the pattern is great and the colours work so well together.