I wanted 280 ends and only had a single cone of black yarn. So in order to speed up the winding onto the warping mill, I used the ball winder to wind a 2nd ball of black. I checked the amount of yarn remaining on the original cone by weighing the cone every now and then. When I had about 1/2 the yarn onto the ball, I stopped winding yarn off the cone. This 2nd ball of yarn enabled me to wind the warp onto the warping mill with two ends in my hand.
Once the 280 ends (each 6m long) were on the mill, I tied the cross in four places and removed the warp in a tight chain.
I inserted the warp rod and lease sticks and spread the warp across the raddle to give a 30cm width (12 ends per space) and proceeded to wind the warp onto the warp beam. Once wound, I cut the warp ends and dropped them between the lease sticks and the heddles in preparation for heddle threading.
The heddles were threaded right to left using a 5-thread point twill pattern (23414321) repeated across the entire warp.
I changed to a 16 dent reed and sleyed the reed at 24 epi – 1,2 per dent and removed the lease sticks.
Next, I tied the warp ends to the front apron rod, checked for threading errors (there were none), wove the header rows to spread the warp ends evenly across the width of the fabric and hemstitched on 2 rows of black in tabby with 4 ends per bundle.