Warp 13 – Finishing the twill pieces

Once I finished weaving the bookmark, I cut the warp and removed the pieces from the loom. I cut between them and put them in the washing machine on a warm water, normal cycle. Once washed, they were hung to dry. When the pieces were almost dry, I pressed them with a hot iron and left them to finish drying. A hot press while damp really does give the cloth a beautiful finish.

The next day I trimmed all of the loose ends. There were quite a few ends on the pieces where I had ply-spliced the black yarn. But it was worth it! It does give a lovely join, it’s barely noticeable once the pieces are washed. However, next time I will leave all of the tails long. Short tails turn to fuzz in the washing machine and then it’s really hard to trim them off neatly.

The last step was to sew labels onto the pieces of fabric.

I’m really pleased with these pieces. I love working with colour!