I decided to resley the reed at 18epi and weave samples of 2/2 twill and 1/3 twill as I didn’t do a sample at this sett in Project 12.
I have an 8dpi reed on the loom, so I sleyed 2, 2, 2, 3 ends per dent. I tied the threads to the front apron rod in bundles of 9 (last one = 11). The total width in the reed is about 17″.
After throwing the first 6 picks of the first piece (2/2 twill) and completing the hemstitching (all hemstitching was done on plainweave), I realised that I would need an additional end on each side for a floating selvedge. So I threaded a single end of yellow (green on the other side of the fabric) through the shafts (not through any heddles) and through the reed. I then wove this through the first 6 picks and hemstitch knots (with a needle) before tying it onto the front apron rod. The long end was threaded down the centre of 2 empty yarn cones, wound around the second and locked into place by jamming the cones inside one another. When the cones are dropped over the back of the loom the floating selvedge threads are put under tension.
The 2/2 twill was woven using pink and dark blue – I switched the twill lifting pattern half-way (ie 12 23 34 14 became 14 34 23 12) through each colour to give an arrowhead pattern.
Once this was hemstitched, I left a gap of about 5cm and wove the 1/3 twill using orange and purple (or was it a 3/1 twill? – I lifted shafts in the order 1 2 3 4).
After hemstitching this piece, I cut them both from the loom, measured them and washed them (warm water on a normal machine cycle). After drying, I trimmed tails and re-measured. The pieces shrank about 1cm in length and 2cm in width.
Adding a floating selvedge Adding a floating selvedge – behind the loom 2/2 twill after washing 1/3 twill 3/1 twill (the other side of 1/3 twill)