Yesterday I wound 10 bobbins with the silk weft thread – 2 each of red, yellow, green, dark blue and warp blue.

I placed 2 bobbins of warp blue into the double boat shuttle and wove 6 rows. As I began, I left a tail of thread that was 4 fabric widths long. After the 6 rows, I went back and began hemstitching the end using the long tail. The warp threads are grouped in bundles of 16 threads – I hemstitched 9 of the 25 bundles of warp thread.

Today, I finished hemstitching all of the bundles and wove the end of the tail back into the fabric. I then wove tabby until I had 1cm of blue fabric. The next step was to change to the 2 red bobbins before ending the day by weaving 0.5cm of red tabby.